Web Accessibility

Web accessibility, or A11y for short, has become very important to me the past several years. I worked for a digital marketing company for 8 years, and have freelanced for over 20 years. My primary job was/is to build accessible websites and apps for clients. The job also entailed performing thorough accessibility audits.

One of our larger clients needed us to audit each of their nearly 200 brand websites in only 3 months. I learned more in those 3 months than any of my years prior, as a result I can now tell in 5 minutes if it’s worth auditing a site, or if it simply needs to be rebuilt.

In 2020, accessibility.com reports that 2,058 website accessibility lawsuits were filed and an estimated 265,000 demand letters were issued. Those numbers have doubled in 2021. It shouldn’t take a threat of a lawsuit to make people want to be accessible, but that’s seems to be the way it is.

You may be surprised to learn that a lot of my clients intentionally made the choice to not be accessible in favor of doing something “cool” or “pretty”. I admire the clients that reach out and say, “I want to be accessible.” Everyone should strive to be inclusive.

We are going to be starting a series of articles that will hopefully explain everything you need to know.


Sites Audited


Accessible Sites Built


The table below provides the following imformation: A link to the article, the WCAG guidelines that the articles cover and their level of compliance. Everyone should strive to meet AA. Finally, the difficulty level.

Difficulty levels:
1 = easy. You likely will not need a developer to fix these issues.
2 = moderate. Depending on the CMS you’re using you may be able to make the edits yourself.
3 = difficult. You will definitely need a developer.

Accessibility CoverageWCAG Guideline #Difficulty
Images1.1.1 A, 1.4.5 AA, 1.4.7 AAA1
Color Contrast1.4.3 AA, 1.4.6 AAA2
Regions / Landmarks1.3.1 A, 2.4.1 A3
Headings2.4.6 AA, 2.4.10 AAA1
Tables1.3.1 A2
Forms: Labels2.4.6 AA3
Forms: Radios and Checkboxes1.3.1 A 3
Forms: Validation3.3.1 A, 3.3.3 AA3
Media1.4.3 AA, 2.3.2 A1
Controlling Media1.4.2 A, 2.2.2 A,3
Media Captions & Transcripts1.2.2 A, 1.2.4 AA, 1.2.9 AAA1
Accessible Documents & PDF’s1.3.1 A1

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